Thinks gadget? You'll know who's in-charge
Thursday, February 21, 2013
What's going on Gadget Officer today?
Hello everyone! Gadget Officer is back again..and its been a while since my last post about the Nokia phone hack..its not that I have stoppe...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Hacking the Nokia 3310 as a cheap Arduino SMS Shield
Back to my home in Shah Alam, I have a problem with the main power supply (the 240VAC that is). Still not knowing the cause, it used to trip...
Thursday, August 18, 2011
What I Want....Top 10 Wish List
What I want?? Yeah..of coz I want gadgets..lots of them. There are so many gadgets that I want (assuming that I have lots of money :...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Gadget Officer is Back Again!!
Hello gadget lovers out there! At last we meet again :P ..Looking back to my last post in this blog was on September 2010 and now it...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Ar..Ar..Arduino! What the heck?!
I love microcontroller. Why? The reason is simple. Because they're amazing. They are a complete set of computer but in a very tiny packa...
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